
Daily trains from Moscow Region to Siberia

Daily trains from Moscow Region to Siberia

The Parent company LLC “SpecTransContainer” - PJSC TransContainer, Obltransterminal LLC and T1 LLC on the fields of the 24th TransRussia International Exhibition concluded an agreement on the interaction procedure for the Kleschiha Daily Project. Project...

The parent company SpecTransContainer LLC - PJSC TransContainer, Obltransterminal LLC and T1 LLC on the margins of the 24th TransRussia International Exhibition concluded an agreement on the procedure for cooperation on the Kleschiha Daily project.


The “Kleshchikha Daily” project is a daily container train that will depart from the Elektrougli station of the Moscow Railway to the Kleschikha station of the West Siberian Railway. The project is designed to provide high-quality regular service for the delivery of railway cargo to Novosibirsk by container. In the future, the geography of regular shipments from Elektrougli can be expanded.




According to the signing of the agreement, Vyacheslav Saraev, in May, will be organized pilot train departures on the route Elektrougli - Kleshchikha so that in June-July this service becomes a daily service. “Thus, we will offer our customers a service that is much more attractive in comparison with the existing ones today,” said the head of TransContainer.

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